
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Family Honour - Timmy

Timothy Craig is my eldest brother. Yesterday was his birthday. He turned 43!!
Birthday kisses from #2 daughter Steph.
Timmy's greatest strength is his compassion and sensitivity. He is caring and emotional and soft and squishy! 
Whenever we see each other he always gives me the biggest of hugs - which is great for a single gal like me to have a 'manly' hug like that from time to time! :)
He's been through some 'stuff' in his life ... and sometimes things have been pretty messy, uncertain and difficult ... but somehow he always 'comes through'.
He loves God deeply and I know his greatest security is found in the hope he has in Jesus Christ. I admire that in him.

In our family he was always the "good" child. Rumour has it he never got in trouble until brother #2 came along and taught him how!
He was always the one to try and keep the peace, to mediate between the rest of us siblings, to dob us in and tell us off!

Us in 1978.
Us in 2013
Now he's old(er) and has a big, beautiful family.
He's working in a job that seems 'just right' for him - using his gifts and skills and keeping him challenged and motivated.
Tim & his clan - Paula, Rebecca, baby Jacob, Thomas & Steph

#25 on my "40 things to do before I'm 40" list is to publicly honour each of my family members on their birthday this year.

I think I'm going to enjoy this one! :)

Love you Timmy. xo

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stuff Kim. A suitably honoring tribute to a great man of God, Tim Smith. His family is indeed blessed. Go Dons :)
